All Members are invited to join our Committees. Committee Chairs are listed in the "Executive Board Members" subtab under the "About Us" tab. To express your interest in serving on a Committee, please email info@princetondems.org.
Advocacy Committee
Discuss, investigate and recommend important issues that are consistent with the liberal democratic philosophy of the Organization.
Send email action alerts to the PCDO mailing list, promoting efforts to effect change.
Attend outside organization meetings or subscribe to organization mailing lists to gather information and feed back to the organization.
Archives Committee
Secure and maintain a copy of all records of the PCDO’s business and history.
Elections Committee
Coordinate PCDO’s efforts on behalf of Democratic candidates at all levels, including determining, in conjunction with the EB, the candidates on which to focus.
Facilitate the operation of a PCDO-sponsored headquarters as needed.
Support voting rights efforts.
Identify members who can become more active in electoral politics as candidates or as volunteer campaign workers.
Events/Logistics Committee
Provide food, setup and cleanup for meetings as requested by the President, 1st or 2nd VP.
Membership Committee
Develop activities or literature aimed at increasing PCDO membership.
Identify people who can become more involved in committees and the EB, and determine/coordinate strategies to engage these people.
Update website with Voter Verification status.
Programming Committee
Nominating Committee
Solicit interest in each elected position.
Actively recruit people for positions.
Promote diversity and demonstrate inclusion in selecting candidates.
Verify all interested parties to see that they are Regular Members of the PCDO and have any special qualifications needed for the proposed role.
Present the names of interested and qualified parties through the Executive Board to the entire membership.
Develop programs for meetings and activities of the membership.
Build strong committee to leverage contacts and input from the PCDO community.
Create annual calendar of events.
Maintain contact with outside organizations on important matters, particularly info sessions and panels.
Website/Logistics Committee
Prepare releases and seek publicity for the activities and views of the Organization.
Maintain and update the PCDO website.